Senior Advisors

In 1974, the ICMA Senior Advisor Program was established by the ICMA Executive Board to make the counsel, experience and support of respected, retired managers of the profession available to local, county and COG chief administrators and their chief assistants. In October 1985, the Maine Town and City Management Association entered into an agreement with ICMA for joint support of a Senior Advisor Program for the State of Maine. The program is designed to help with personal and professional issues and not to provide any form of technical assistance nor to solve substantive problems in a local government.

Call your Senior Advisor today. Get to know your representative on a personal basis. Their experiences can help give you a new perspective on how to handle various municipal management issues as well as personnel issues.

This group of past Town and City Managers can provide a sounding board for you when you need to talk to someone who understands because they have “been there and done that.”

Senior Advisor
Jay Feyler
11 N union Rd.
Union, Me. 04862
Tel: (207) 592-1092